The task was to create a clay model of a reciprocating saw whilst using the clay as a sketching tool.
The leading brands of today offer products with good ergonomics and ease of use but mostly
differentiated by colours in comparison to competitors.

My vision is to use this design opportunity to create recognizable and iconic design based on tangible core values. Makita Home is designed for the brand aware, quality seeking home enthusiast with the need of a powerful tool which is ergonomic for all family members.

Reciprocating saw -
Makita Home

* Makita Corporation have no associations to this project. Project brief required branding and I choose Makita as a reliable power tool manufacturer.

Research, Benchmark & Workshop

Early user testing - Workshop

A workshop was facilitated to verify size and ergonomics of final design direction after initial benchmarking, research and analog sketching.
The result from this workshop was then implemented in to the design direction and this was used as a strong base for the clay model.

Final sketch direction

Clay modelling

Clay model was created on a base of mdf with an offset of the silhouette and some foam pieces for the big volumes.

Design was refined with multiple sketches
on clay model

Clay model result

3D Visualizations


Out Of Office


NESLI - Prosthetic Leg